Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Choose, not chews

From the day we're born we're choosing~ dry diaper over wet, pureed pears over pureed peas. We battle to wear the blue shirt instead of the red one- even as toddlers. This desire to choose for ourselves is inborn and continues throughout our lives. There's never a moment that we're not choosing. Think about that~ every time we give in to something, it's not because it was bigger than we are ~ it's because we choose to let go of the thing we really want. (This does not apply to most personal relationships- marriage, parents...! This is for the purpose of reaching goals.)
What are you choosing? Here are a few ideas:
CHOOSE to eat better today. What does your body need today to become stronger and healthier? Think about the serving portions- are they in line with good health? If you are going out to lunch or dinner today, what can you choose to keep your goal? Eat a smaller breakfast. Look at the menu on the Internet before you go or call the restaurant to see what the best choices are. Look at the nutritional values. Again, what does your body need for today? Take charge of your meal- ask for dressing on the side- take a zip lock bag with your own healthier dressing. Ask for balsamic vinegar on your salad. Make sure veggies don't have added butter. Go prepared and don't even open the menu to spare yourself temptation!
If this was lunch, now you have another choice- dinner. If lunch was more than you usually eat, then scale back for dinner. Some grapes and yogurt. Some apples with cheese. Maybe a slice of whole grain bread.
What can you choose to do today for exercise? A walk? Some gardening? A ball game with the children? Recent research shows that even 10 minute periods during the day add up to significant health increases. Don't choose to let "busyness" overtake your fitness goals. There is something you can do today~ sitting at a desk? Use one hand to lift a handweight while working with your other hand. Tighten muscles and hold, then release. Remember, you have a bigger goal- a better life now and the future.
All choices- you don't have to be a "victim" unless that's what you choose.
CHOOSE nutrition.
CHOOSE better health.
CHOOSE life.

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